

Illumination Engineering

One of the first Italian companies that believed in the implementation, massive and diversified, of LED technology, Foresti & Suardi has a strong tradition in designing and creating lighting elements and complements. Initially intended for marine environments, the series of lamps and spots produced inside the Predore’s factory evolved and extended to other application fields and also in terms of materials, styles and forms. The 50 years knowhow allows Foresti & Suardi to model many metals and mix them with glass, leathers and woods, creating a very huge catalogue of illumination articles, form the traditional “marine style” wall and ceiling lamps, to lots of new modern and contemporary solutions.

The technical approach, mentioned above, is visible, for example, in the new LED profiles, made of silicon extruded elastomer, an innovative and thermo-dissipating material, with unique performances, used for the first time by Foresti & Suardi.

The entire catalogue, obviously, is proof against the marine environment, typically hostile, and so applicable in more terrestrial fields like civil houses, ports and marinas. The offer is wide and includes also technical products, usable by designers and architects in their projects: LED stripes, light bulbs, power supplies, RGB control units.

The foundry activity started by Foresti & Suardi in 1961, and evolved into an important industrial reality, is a shining example of how tradition, skills and passion are essential ingredients to competitively look out onto the contemporary market.

The Company in Predore succeeded in the challenge of making a quality product, customizing and tailoring it according to the client’s needs and desires, thanks to the never ending entrepreneurial courage of the owners and to the continuous enrichment in terms of tools, instruments, qualified personnel and innovative technologies.

Design and Development

The technical department of Foresti & Suardi is, indeed, updated and improved over and over again, and engaged in tests and experimentation of new technologies and materials, and with the implementation of the most recent and advanced CAD software and CAM machines that, it has to be said, progressively “melted” with tradition and became an integrated part of the conceiving and designing process of every single product.

Inside Foresti & Suardi tradition and innovation, every one interdependent form the other, gave life to a factory with enormous productive potentials in terms of design, quality, reliability and capacity to customize the product depending on the different desires of the market.

Proof of this creative and production flexibility is the entire catalogue, that includes thousands of proposals, differing in style and purpose, and that is continuously updated thanks to the work of the Foresti & Suardi’s designers and technicians, always engaged in conceiving new products or in enlarging the current series.

Foresti & Suardi S.p.A

  • Via Sarnico 32a
    24060 Predore (BG) - Italia
  • Tel. +39.035.938.066 r.a.
    Fax +39.035.938064
  • Cap. Soc. €.500.000 i.v.
    Nr. REA 291108
    Cod. Fis. e P.Iva N. IT02462580164

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